Welcome to the new TalentDreams website!
We could not operate day-to-day without our hard-working staff. They work tirelessly on behalf of the beneficiaries we serve.
The team behind TalentDreams is deeply committed to the health of our community and future of our members. We are comprised of unique individuals with diverse backgrounds, and varying personal and professional experience. TalentDreams is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and operates as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit for charitable purposes, and is always looking for volunteers and donors to help us realize and deliver on our mission.

An adventurer at heart, Andrew is an explorer, builder, advisor, and mentor. He grew up in Arroyo Grande before moving to San Francisco. An...

Lili Sinclaire, is a founder of TalentDreams and native of Arroyo Grande. An entrepreneur, published author of both fiction and nonfiction work, she is...

Julia serves as the COO for TalentDreams. She is proud to be a part of this organization because she believes everyone has the potential...

Trish Daughtrey graduated from Cal Poly in 2004 with a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration and a concentration in accounting. In 2008, she started...

Eamon has provided Information Technology services on the Central Coast for over 20 years. Originally from the Bay Area, he realized while attending Cal Poly...